M&M submission  (must be on UCSF network or VPN)

SAFE System UO Submission (must be on DPH computer or VPN)

Adverse Event Disclosure Pathway

Corneal Abrasion Decision Support

IV Infiltration Decision Support

Needlestick Injury (E-Drive)


How do I sign in to the UCSF network for M&M submissions on a DPH computer?

1) Navigate to remote.ucsf.edu 

2) Sign in with your SOM credentials (often lastname and first initial, e.g. SmithJ)

3) Validate with Duo dual factor authentification 

4) Proceed to M&M Submission

Note: If you are using a UCSF wifi network on your laptop or phone, you are already on the network and can navigate to the M&M site directly.


Updated Jan 2023 by A Wight